East Peak, Inc.

investment firm


East Peak, Inc is a private company categorized under Business Services (Unclassified) and located in Marin County, CA.


Founded date
Jan 1, 1994
Operating Status
Investor Type
Venture Capital

East Peak, Inc is a private company categorized under Business Services (Unclassified) and located in Marin County, CA.
Over 18 years experience developing superior quality advertising, marketing and promotional materials, products and services.


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
East Peak, Inc. has made 5 investments. Their most recent investment was on Apr 17, 2009, when Naverus raised $4M.
Date Company Name
Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Apr 17, 2009 Naverus
Series D $4M Aerospace Yes
Feb 28, 2008 Naverus
Series C $10M Aerospace Yes
Apr 20, 2000 EntryPoint
Series Unknown $15M News
Series Unknown $7M Information Technology
Feb 1, 2000 techies.com
Series C $22M Career Planning


East Peak, Inc. has had 2 exits. East Peak, Inc. most notable exits include Naverus ,   EntryPoint

Date Company Name Exit Type Industry
Nov 23, 2009 Naverus M&A Aerospace Detail
May 11, 1999 EntryPoint M&A News Detail