Desun Investments

investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Desun Investments has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on Sep 30, 2019, when Beijing Gene+ Technology, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Sep 30, 2019 Beijing Gene+ Technology Series B Health Care
Sep 24, 2019 Linhuiba Series B E-Commerce Yes
Jan 9, 2019 Longmi Agro Series A Agriculture Yes
Jul 5, 2018 Putian Cool Drink Series A Food and Beverage
Jun 25, 2018 CNWIN Seed Enterprise
Feb 5, 2018 DeepBlue Technology Series A Artificial Intelligence
Dec 29, 2017 RAJA Angel Automotive
Oct 24, 2017 Recano Series A Film
Dec 1, 2016 Wemew Seed Apps
Apr 18, 2016 Apin Series A Air Transportation
Apr 15, 2016 WISEFFE Series A Internet Yes