investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
GOUFUYUAN VC has made 14 investments. Their most recent investment was on Nov 10, 2017, when Ebusbar, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Nov 10, 2017 Ebusbar Series C Battery
Oct 16, 2017 Ushiyihao Angel Health Care
Sep 6, 2017 Yilian Keji Angel Information Technology
Apr 7, 2016 7 Haowang Angel Intellectual Property
Feb 26, 2016 Tiandi Post-IPO Equity Food and Beverage
Sep 29, 2015 weizy.cn Series A Health Care
Jul 3, 2015 Junchi Keji Post-IPO Equity Automotive
Jul 1, 2015 NineD Angel Gaming
Jul 1, 2015 Aiyaku Series A Dental
May 1, 2015 CHALI Series A Food and Beverage
May 1, 2014 Shenzhen Vidonn Information Technology Angel Consumer Electronics
Dec 25, 2012 Aibaobao Angel Children
Dec 1, 2012 Aiyaku Seed Dental Yes
Jul 30, 2012 24pay Angel Financial Services