Green Energy Wallet



We connect electric vehicles and home batteries to a large energy storage system for renewable energies to balance the power grid.


Blockchain,Energy,Energy Storage,Renewable Energy
Founded date
May 1, 2018
Number Of Employee
1 - 10
Operating Status
Also Known As

Two substantial changes will determine our future: more renewable energies and more electric vehicles. Crude oil, natural gas, and coal cover today the majority of our global energy needs. But the related emissions of greenhouse gases have caused the planet’s climate to change in an unnatural manner. The world is ready for change, and the political will to act on environmental issues is here.

Unfortunately, renewables are not as reliable as conventional power plants, and electricity cannot be stored in the power grid. To ensure that the transition away from fossil fuels is a practical and achievable goal, we need efficient facilities to store renewable energy.

Therefore, Green Energy Wallet (GEW) connects batteries of many electric vehicles to use this capacity as a large buffer store for renewable energy. Solar power systems and home batteries can also be integrated. We connect charging stations with the power grid to manage the electricity with flow either way between the power grid and the battery.

Bidirectional charging stations of several manufacturers can be connected to GEW. In addition, we will develop together with a partner a bi-directional charging station tailored for GEW.

GEW works together with the energy provider to buy electricity when the price is low because of overproduction and sell it high when the power grid system needs it. In addition, GEW can ensure the power supply of your home when the power network fails.

Our GEW app can communicate between the electric vehicle, home system, charging station, and power grid. Additionally, the GEW app will contain many more useful functions, such as providing easy access to the vehicle’s and home’s system settings and diagnostics.

GEW rewards clients through a GEW token reward system for providing buffer storage and data and for using our GEW network. The energy trading and the GEW token reward system will be based on blockchain technology.

Employee Profiles

Number of Employee Profiles
Green Energy Wallet has 4 current employee profiles, including Executive Anton Golub