Alexis brings a strong focus on technical elegance and operational efficiency to Datadog, honed from years spent optimizing European telecom networks at Orange. As a member of the original “devops” movement, Alexis also spent several years as a software engineer at IBM Research and Neomeo in NYC. These experiences led Alexis to become acutely aware of how intertwined application development and operations really are, and how cumbersome existing on-premise and cloud monitoring tools were – offering little help for engineers to make sense of their infrastructure. Prior to founding Datadog, Alexis Lê-Quôc served as the Director of Operations for Wireless Generation where he built the team and infrastructure that served more than 4 million students in 49 states.
Alexis holds a MS, CS from the Ecole Centrale Paris and has presented sessions on cloud monitoring and server performance at conferences including DevOpsDays, Velocity, and PyCon. Between researching new technical integrations and designing more efficient ways for devops teams to monitor their applications, Alexis enjoys running marathons around the world.