I've never restricted myself to a single specialization, preferring instead to keep diverse interests within the domain of application development. This has led me from culturing a tremendous expertise in both frontend web technologies (such as CSS and Javascript) and several backend web technologies (including PHP a keen proficiency with Rails and, by subsequent extension, Ruby, and finally Scala and the Lift framework) to breeding a healthy interest in desktop technologies (including using Java to develop desktop applications using Swing, as well as using C++ and Qt as a killer combination for fast desktop application development).
My interest in learning... Well... Everything... Has also ensured that I don't sit still in terms of programming languages. While I've nurtured an advanced comprehension of Java, Ruby, and JavaScript through work-related tasks, I haven't let that prevent me from exploring Python or Erlang. I've also developed a good understanding of C++ for desktop application building. And, in spare moments here and there, I have experimented with Lisp, investigated Smalltalk, and played with Io. Most recently, I've taken a headlong dive into the Scala world and developed a large application using the Lift web framework at OpenStudy.
In the Open Source world, I have tried to contribute back to those who gave me so much knowledge by producing projects ranging from Quill, a tablet journaling application, to awesome_fields, a Rails plugin to make form creation even more rapid, to Hestia, a Ruby framework for defining and experimenting with ISAs. I've also been an avid contributor to webdesignforums.net, becoming one of its highest reputed members in the last few years
In the end, then, my professional goal is to learn and to teach -- learn from others about techniques, technologies, and approaches that I am not yet familiar with, and teach others those techniques, technologies, and approaches that I am familiar with that they are not.
Specialties:Architectural design, cross-browser CSS and Javascript over various frameworks, ability to quickly comprehend software development frameworks from desktop to server to browser.