Xian-Sheng Hua



Xian-Sheng Hua, Senior Director (iDST of Alibaba Group), IEEE Fellow, ACM Distinguished Scientist, National Distinguished Expert of the Thousand Talents Plan.

Dr. Hua received the B.S. degree in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics in 2001, both from Peking University, Beijing, China. He joined Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China, in 2001, as a Researcher. He was a Principal Research and Development Lead in Multimedia Search for the Microsoft search engine, Bing, Redmond, WA, USA, from 2011 to 2013. He was a Senior Researcher with Microsoft Research Redmond, Redmond, WA, USA, from 2013 to 2015.

He became a Researcher and Senior Director of the Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China, in April of 2015, leading the Visual Computing Team in Search Division and then Alibaba Cloud. He has authored or coauthored more than 200 research papers and has filed more than 90 patents. His research interests include big multimedia data search, advertising, understanding, and mining, as well as pattern recognition and machine learning.

Dr. Hua served or is now serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA and ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. He served as a Program Co-Chair for IEEE ICME 2013, ACM Multimedia 2012, and IEEE ICME 2012. He was one of the recipients of the 2008 MIT Technology Review TR35 Young Innovator Award for his outstanding contributions on video search. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Awards at ACM Multimedia 2007, and Best Paper Award of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY in 2014.


Number of Current Jobs
Xian-Sheng Hua has 1 current jobs including Head of Artificial Intelligence Center/Distinguished Engineer at Alibaba Cloud , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Alibaba Cloud Head of Artificial Intelligence Center/Distinguished Engineer Aug 1, 2018 Detail