GPS đã phải chịu đòn chí mạng sau khi sụp đổ: Liệu chính sách mới của Binance có thể sắp xếp lại thị trường?




Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
SendFriend is funded by 11 investors. 2020 Ventures and 8 Decimal Capital are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
2020 Ventures - Pre-seed
8 Decimal Capital - Pre-seed
Barclays Corporate Banking - Pre-seed
Deloitte - Pre-seed
Mahindra finance - Pre-seed
MIT delta v - Pre-seed
MIT Media Lab - Pre-seed
Ripple - Pre-seed
Taiyou Fund - Pre-seed
Techstars - Pre-seed
The Legatum Center at MIT - Pre-seed