I get stuff done.
Relatively fun to be around. Know how to splice and dice numbers really well for analysis, and come up with new metrics when the old ones don't make too much sense.
My sense of workflows, process, and optimization is pretty good. I hate wasting time writing "TPS" reports but I do try to be very informative and timely with reports and to make it as easy for my team to retrieve.
Knowledge of coding, design, and UX is also above average, as I have direct experience with all of it. Been coding since I was 7, designing since I was 14. Sometimes on a weekend, I learn a new programming language. I will never win a contest for any of those, but at least I can understand people who do. People also tell me I am a competent dresser, albeit definitely not avant-garde (and to be clear I'm not going to be on sartorialist or anything), I like to stay at the edge of the curve, not past it. Goes for pretty much everything. I'm more on the introspective side of things, but I tend to have a lot of things to say when I do speak.
I test and collect data on everything. Willing to be persuaded with concrete data. Willing to educate on my hunches. However, always willing to go your way if the data is unclear, as most long-term strategy is hazy.
Loyal to my team, and to the people I respect. If I'm engaging with you, I respect you. I will always play devils advocate just to solidify the plan.
Every person I've ever wrote recommendations for on LinkedIn has done much better since then. I'm very proud of them.
Specialties:- All marketing channels: SEM, Facebook, Display, Affiliates, Etc.
- Facebook applications and gaming dynamics
- Social management
- Conversion focused viral marketing.
- Enterprise level SEO (+millions of pages indexed)
- UI/UE focused design.
- Creative direction
- Metrics based UX (I consider this "real" UX)
- Process optimization (I hate it when my teammates spend more than an hour on routine work)
- Split and multi-variate testing