Dmitry Stepanov



Investor Type

Dmitriy Stepanov hold a position of Director New Product Development at Yandex, the leading player on Russian online market. Before taking responsibility for Yandex’s new product development, Dmitriy headed Yandex’s marketing. Mr. Stepanov is an entrepreneur, marketer and internet pioneer with a proven track record in building consumer digital businesses with leading business models. He has an extensive experience working in highly competitive and fast paced industries such as the internet (20 yrs), media (20 yrs), entertainment (15 yrs). Mr. Stepanov worked on the top positions (mostly product management and/or marketing related) for the biggest Russian Internet and media companies such as, RBC, Afisha, Rambler. In addition, Mr. Stepanov cofounded several leading projects and companies – Afisha Picnic (the biggest Moscow music festival), RBC Hosting Center (one of the leading hosting companies in Russia), (one of the leading Russian online sports media companies), Journey (event agency), as well as several popular restaurants and bars. Mr. Stepanov also acts as a VC angel investor. Mr. Stepanov has his own author's courses at one of the leading universities of Russia The National research university Higher School of Economics. In 2011 Mr. Stepanov was listed by Forbes magazine as one of the 30 most influential people of the Russian Internet. Russian Managers Association (RMA) rated Dmitriy Stepanov as the best CMO 2017.


Number of Current Jobs
Dmitry Stepanov has 1 current jobs including Director New Product Development at Yandex , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Yandex Director New Product Development Nov 1, 2017 Detail