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Jeremy Achin



Investor Type

Jeremy Achin is a data scientist turned entrepreneur. As CEO of DataRobot, Jeremy sets the direction of the company, products, and the culture. He’s passionate about helping organizations become more efficient by deploying machine learning everywhere. Prior to DataRobot, he was Director of Research and Modeling at Travelers Insurance where he built predictive models for pricing, retention, conversion, elasticity, lifetime value, customer behavior, claims and much more. A true data science enthusiast, Jeremy spends his spare time building predictive models, usually on the data science competition platform Jeremy studied Math, Physics, Computer Science, and Statistics at University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Jeremy Achin has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Dec 3, 2020, when Dobby raised $1.70M.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Dec 3, 2020 Dobby Seed $1.70M Artificial Intelligence Detail