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HOPU Smart Cities



Climate change mitigation for cities via data-driven services for air quality/pollution identification & advanced services for urban health

  • 11 - 50


Last Funding Type
Last Funding Money Raised
Artificial Intelligence,Big Data,Consulting,Environmental Consulting,Environmental Engineering,Information Technology,Internet of Things,Smart Cities
Founded date
Oct 1, 2014
Number Of Employee
11 - 50
Operating Status

HOPU aims to create Human Oriented Products (HOPU), it means putting people in the centre and the creation of solutions, thinking always about user experiences and value engineering. We generate urban innovations through the latest technologies such as AI, IoT and Data-Quality. We engage citizens and decision makers, to guarantee that data is understandable by everybody, intuitive and usable. We are there to support any decision for urban development and digital transformation through data-powered tools with dashboards, decision support tools and genuine IoT devices to monitor impact, sustainability, environment, noise, weather, air quality status etc. We mix data, technology and people to get a really powerful urban innovation tool. We aim to support the creation of Smart Cities in the present and the future, where citizens and visitors really feel that they are in a Smart City.

The main problem that we targeting is to support technicians and urban planners in their decision making process, thereby we aim to guarantee that decisions are considering the right sustainability, climate change, air quality and human-centric indicators. The solution is called Smart Spot which is an integral solution for human-centralised sustainable and scalable Smart Cities.

Environmental monitoring solution; covering digital services with dashboard and decision support tools based on AI algorithms compatible with reference platforms as FIWARE.
These digital services are complemented by in-situ environment monitors based on IoT technology enabling to monitor noise, people affluence/density and gases: nitrous vapours (NO/NO2), sulphides (H2S/SO2), carbon monoxide/dioxide (CO/CO2), Ozone, and other toxic substances as alcohols, ouds (VOCs); particulate matter (PM) to identify specific nanoparticulate such as dust (PM10), pollens (over PM40), pollutants (PM2.5) and viruses (under PM1). Being able to monitor levels of toxicity, pollution and air quality; with high reliability and data quality (certified and verified by our own certified labs).

Funding Rounds

Number of Funding Rounds
Total Funding Amount
HOPU Smart Cities has raised a total of €375K in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Oct 1, 2020 from a Grant round.
Announced Date Round Money Raised Number of Investors Lead Investors Post Valuation
Oct 1, 2020 Grant €100K 1 Junta de Andalucia Detail
Sep 1, 2020 Non-Equity Assistant 1 Detail
Jul 1, 2019 Non-Equity Assistant €180K 1 Madrid Detail
Jun 1, 2019 Non-Equity Assistant €35K 1 Data Market Services Detail
Jan 1, 2018 Pre-seed €60K 1 FED4SAE Detail


Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
HOPU Smart Cities is funded by 5 investors. Junta de Andalucia and Madrid are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
Junta de Andalucia Yes Grant
Madrid Yes Non-Equity Assistant
Data Market Services Yes Non-Equity Assistant
FED4SAE Yes Pre-seed
ACCIONA I'MNOVATION Non-Equity Assistant